Colorado Tech Spotlight Magazine

I worked with Dynamic Tech Media to produce the first issue of their Colorado Tech Spotlight Magazine. The Quantum Issue featured four companies working within the quantum tech ecosystem here in the Colorado Front Range. I designed the full 24 page publication including custom cover design, layout design and spot graphics throughout the magazine. Since this was the first issue, I established a look and feel that aligned with Dynamic Tech Media’s existing branding. I designed a Colorado Tech Spotlight mark that can be used on future issues and on Dynamic Tech Media’s blog posts. For each featured article, I designed a title page with relevant typographic and graphic elements to tie into the themes addressed within the articles.

Magazine copy by John Himes. Photography by Kort Duce. Printed by Publication Printers.

If you are interested in a copy, please reach out to John Himes at Dynamic Tech Media.

Programs: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Skills Applied: Art Direction, Editorial Layout Design, Graphic Design, Project Management, Print Production


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